Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Meeting Friday morning

Hi all,

I'd like to have a meeting this Friday morning to look at progress so far and to start detailing the levels. I'll also give out the pw's for the buildbots and we can discuss a way to schedule them.

Lets meet in the IST Atrium (3'rd floor) at 9:30. I'll buy coffee and donuts for any sleepy or hungry people.

A few things we should discuss:

- specific level designs leading to placement of info objects - my thought is that this should follow a process where a level is first explored (so you understand the layout) then after reading the UT info on that level (and perhaps some of the Canto translations and commentary on that level) develop a plan for which objects (pictures and 3D objects) would be placed there and what info they would link to

- starting on the accompanying Plone site -- I'd like to give this to one of the team members so we can start designing the info to be placed there and start putting it together in conjunction with the info objects in the towers

- I've been playing more with video development in SL. I downloaded the paid version of FRAPS and think it has some promise. There is a free version which limits you to 30-second clips - doable if you have a stopwatch - then you string the bits together.

- training seminars - do we need any and what topics? We can put these together for this semester (I'll find teachers) and we would have them for the team and other students as room permits.

- lastly: an update on progress on the previous assigmnents.

cheers - gerry

ps - let me know if you are unable to be there - I'll post meeting notes here

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